I gave birth to the Principality of Astree. Astree reads AsTree in English and Astrée in French. More than a nation, it aims at creating a new World: the World of Value, where Value is defined as our best possible evolution, individually and collectively.
Serving a higher interest than ourselves' is probably what acting with a sense of Purpose is all about.
Nations expect it from their citizens. Businesses expect it from their employees. We all know it is not enough. We also all know the impact can be negative because either the purpose is bad, or it goes against an even higher purpose..
Read more and get this unique scientifically credible book of art from which you can build a sustainable future whatever you are willing to invest in, personally and/or professionally:
Future is Now, not Tomorrow. Future is the Present I want to Experience. Imagination is where it is created, and it is 'in the now'. When I experience it 'in the now', I am already living the future. I feel it now, I mind it now. I can fine tune it, I can dream it: I live the future.
Mindfulness Meditation is a way to experience it, well. Combined with Awareness Meditation, I can create and live a lasting positive future, wisely unlocking my full Potential ..
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